Don't Wait!

Ramadan, Thanksgiving, Christmas is near!!!!! Celebrate it and give special present for your love one-----Order PHOTO CROSS STITCH now*** You’ll memorize this year celebration with a special picture hanging on your wall or covering your pillow…

Lebaran, Thanksgiving, Natal sudah dekat!!!!! Rayakan dengan hadiah istimewa untuk yang anda kasihi----- Pesanlah KRISTIK FOTO sekarang juga*** Anda akan mengingat perayaan tahun ini dengan foto spesial tergantung di dinding atau menutupi bantal anda...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What should you do ... If made a mistake in your stitching...

If you make a mistake that involves only your last few stitches, remove your needle from the thread and, using the end with the eye, slide the needle under the last stitch and pull up, taking out the thread. Continue to take the stitches out one at a time until the error has been removed. If the mistake is over a large area, you must carefully slide sharp embroidery scissors under the stitches and snip, being careful not to cut the fabric.


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