Don't Wait!

Ramadan, Thanksgiving, Christmas is near!!!!! Celebrate it and give special present for your love one-----Order PHOTO CROSS STITCH now*** You’ll memorize this year celebration with a special picture hanging on your wall or covering your pillow…

Lebaran, Thanksgiving, Natal sudah dekat!!!!! Rayakan dengan hadiah istimewa untuk yang anda kasihi----- Pesanlah KRISTIK FOTO sekarang juga*** Anda akan mengingat perayaan tahun ini dengan foto spesial tergantung di dinding atau menutupi bantal anda...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Loop Method" for Stitching with a Single Strand

A variation of the loop method can be used to anchor a thread for single thread stitching.


Take a single thread and fold it double.
Pull the two ends through the needle.
Find the middle of the pattern.
Push the needle up through the fabric but keep a loop at the back.
Remove one thread from the needle.
Push the remaining thread down the fabric one (or two) holes from the “entry point” (follow your chart).
Pull needle through the loop.
Take hold of both ends of thread and carefully pull tight. Then you take one thread in one direction and the other in the other direction.


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