Don't Wait!

Ramadan, Thanksgiving, Christmas is near!!!!! Celebrate it and give special present for your love one-----Order PHOTO CROSS STITCH now*** You’ll memorize this year celebration with a special picture hanging on your wall or covering your pillow…

Lebaran, Thanksgiving, Natal sudah dekat!!!!! Rayakan dengan hadiah istimewa untuk yang anda kasihi----- Pesanlah KRISTIK FOTO sekarang juga*** Anda akan mengingat perayaan tahun ini dengan foto spesial tergantung di dinding atau menutupi bantal anda...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Beware of Darker Colored Yarns

The darker dye processes are tough on fibers. Many darker colored yarns are thinner and have a different character from the lighter yarns. You may find, for example, that two strands of a certain light colored yarn will cover the canvas adequately, but when you go to a dark color, three strands are needed. The dark colors may be much weaker as well.


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